Dead Darlings #8
Eight Edition — 2 May 2015
Looiersgracht 60, Amsterdam
Dead Darlings #8 – Occupational Hazard, 2015. From left to right: white gloves: Kristina Mirova, Kali Rose, Daiana Voinescu; auctioneer: Tania Theodorou and team member: Hanna Mattes. Photo: Kyle Tryhorn.
The idea for Occupational Hazard came out of discussions we’ve often had over the years about how to balance an artistic practice with the need to secure means of support, pay the rent, and even subsidize one’s own art practice by holding a side-job.
Our amazing white gloves Kristina Mirova holding up an artwork during Dead Darlings #8 – Occupational Hazard, 2015. Photo: Kyle Tryhorn.
Most artists resent those obligations although some find them grounding. Others simply try to make the best of a situation that can’t be changed. All of these people have great stories about this balancing act and work that resulted directly from this struggle.
Dead Darlings #8 – Occupational Hazard, 2015. Photo: Kyle Tryhorn.
At its core, this edition explored the borders of the artistic identity, a very fitting idea connected with dead darlings which often lie themselves outside of ever-changing boundaries.
Photographs from the event
Our location was the amazing Looiersgracht 60, and though we enjoyed the full support of the team running the space and all they could provide us with, we had zero budget to begin with, so we had to ask 50/50 from the sales simply to cover our overhead and pay for the amazing catalogue we managed to put together for the event. We relied heavily on the hard work of numerous volunteers and decided to try for a subsidy for our next edition.
Our amazing white gloves Kali Rose holding an artwork during Dead Darlings #8 – Occupational Hazard, 2015.
Photo: Kyle Tryhorn.
Participating Artists:
Agota Lukyte
Anika Schwarzlose
Annaleen Louwes
Antoinette Nausikaa
Anu Vahtra
Avi Krispin & Oscar Peters
Benjamin Orlow
Bonno van Doorn
Bos & Lanting
Brian D. McKenna
Carolin Leszczinski
Céline Manz
Dafni Barbageorgopoulou
Dina Roussou
Elmer Driessen
Etta Säfve
Eva Schippers
Gemma Pauwels
Giorgos Gripeos
Hanna Mattes
Hester Scheurwater
Jaap Scheeren
Jack Faber
James Beckett
Johannes Schwartz
Kali Rose
Katie Della-Valle
Katja Mater
Kristine Hymøller
Kyle Tryhorn
Leo Divendal
Lia Cecchin
Lucia Massari
Maarten Heijkamp
Marc Philip van Kempen
Maria Lalou
Mariana Lanari
Marianne Vierø
Marie Ilse Bourlanges & Elena Khurtova
Markus Wüste
Matthias Tharang
Maurice van Daalen
Melanie Bonajo
Miyeon Lee
Monica Overdijk
Persijn & Margit
Qiu Yang
Risk Hazekamp
Roald de Boer
Ruth van Beek
Ryan Rivadeneyra
Saskia Janssen
Simon Wald-Lasowski
Sinta Werner
Sofia Mourato
Stefan Alber
Tania Theodorou
Thomas Jansen
Thomas Kuijpers
Tzvika Gutter
Vincent Zedelius
Voin de Voin
Dead Darlings #8
Eight Edition — 2 May 2015
Looiersgracht 60, Amsterdam
Dead Darlings #8 – Occupational Hazard, 2015. From left to right: white gloves: Kristina Mirova, Kali Rose, Daiana Voinescu; auctioneer: Tania Theodorou and team member: Hanna Mattes. Photo: Kyle Tryhorn.
The idea for Occupational Hazard came out of discussions we’ve often had over the years about how to balance an artistic practice with the need to secure means of support, pay the rent, and even subsidize one’s own art practice by holding a side-job.
Our amazing white gloves Kristina Mirova holding up an artwork during Dead Darlings #8 – Occupational Hazard, 2015. Photo: Kyle Tryhorn.
Most artists resent those obligations although some find them grounding. Others simply try to make the best of a situation that can’t be changed. All of these people have great stories about this balancing act and work that resulted directly from this struggle.
Dead Darlings #8 – Occupational Hazard, 2015. Photo: Kyle Tryhorn.
At its core, this edition explored the borders of the artistic identity, a very fitting idea connected with dead darlings which often lie themselves outside of ever-changing boundaries.
Photographs from the event
Our location was the amazing Looiersgracht 60, and though we enjoyed the full support of the team running the space and all they could provide us with, we had zero budget to begin with, so we had to ask 50/50 from the sales simply to cover our overhead and pay for the amazing catalogue we managed to put together for the event. We relied heavily on the hard work of numerous volunteers and decided to try for a subsidy for our next edition.
Our amazing white gloves Kali Rose holding an artwork during Dead Darlings #8 – Occupational Hazard, 2015.
Photo: Kyle Tryhorn.
Participating Artists:
Agota Lukyte
Anika Schwarzlose
Annaleen Louwes
Antoinette Nausikaa
Anu Vahtra
Avi Krispin & Oscar Peters
Benjamin Orlow
Bonno van Doorn
Bos & Lanting
Brian D. McKenna
Carolin Leszczinski
Céline Manz
Dafni Barbageorgopoulou
Dina Roussou
Elmer Driessen
Etta Säfve
Eva Schippers
Gemma Pauwels
Giorgos Gripeos
Hanna Mattes
Hester Scheurwater
Jaap Scheeren
Jack Faber
James Beckett
Johannes Schwartz
Kali Rose
Katie Della-Valle
Katja Mater
Kristine Hymøller
Kyle Tryhorn
Leo Divendal
Lia Cecchin
Lucia Massari
Maarten Heijkamp
Marc Philip van Kempen
Maria Lalou
Mariana Lanari
Marianne Vierø
Marie Ilse Bourlanges & Elena Khurtova
Markus Wüste
Matthias Tharang
Maurice van Daalen
Melanie Bonajo
Miyeon Lee
Monica Overdijk
Persijn & Margit
Qiu Yang
Risk Hazekamp
Roald de Boer
Ruth van Beek
Ryan Rivadeneyra
Saskia Janssen
Simon Wald-Lasowski
Sinta Werner
Sofia Mourato
Stefan Alber
Tania Theodorou
Thomas Jansen
Thomas Kuijpers
Tzvika Gutter
Vincent Zedelius
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